Monday, 26 January 2015

First Day 26/01/2015

Ok so its nearer the end of the month than the start but from settling the girls back into their school routine and redecorating my room, a happy achievement as it was one of my new years wishes, I had a spur of the moment decision to start my fat bitch run today. Its a small step and far from what the book describes as a starting point but I believe it is flexable to a persons needs.
So. firstly one of the things I havent got around to yet is making that leap to doing it when my youngest goes to nursery. Instead I decided to take her with me in the mornings which means pushing a buggy... But its a start.. And its a little less daunting with her company than on my own. Although I found it more difficult not being able to swing your arms when running.
Secondly I decided that I should do it straight away on the morning school run. I think if I go home with the plan to go out again I may too easily change my mind. I figure if I have to get up, dressed and brave whatever the weather is then I might as well make it the starting point.
After my eldest crosses the road to the school gate I carry on walking up to cuddeston road which I have previously calculated to be the ten minute warm up time. Then from there I do a round trip back home. Its probably not as long as the recommended route but again its a start. I found straight away I testing point for my first stretch of running. A private road that runs parallel to the main road and ends.. I ran it and was puffed out but I look forward to noticing less puffed out-ness the more I do it. Then I had to walk again to catch my breathe. On a next landmark I tried to run to a lampost and just fell short of it. Again it will be interesting how soon before I can run it without resorting back to walking or being puffed out. My daughter got out the buggy for one try at running with me! But very quickly wanted to retreat back to teh comfort of sitting down. My route maybe shorter but surely the extra weight Im pushing in the buggy is a bonus factor??
Anyways I felt a little pain in the ankle that I broke three years ago and I got a small stitch in my side so I walked it off a bit before running again. I was worried a bit about the strain on my ankle and the metal plates inside it. But I figure three years is a long time and it should be fine really.
I made several more runs then walks before getting home. Its amazing how hot you get so quickly! I had to strip off my top and sit down for a good half hour. I was surprised when I got home that the whole trip only took me about 25 minutes. Again, it will be interesting if that time lessons indicating that I am running more of it?
I also look forward to hopefully building up my confidence and determination to go out in the afternoon as I originally planned, with my arms free from the buggy to help.
I dont feel different or proud or happy about my first go today. I dont feel put off either which is good. It just feels like a very small step on what is a long long path before me and I will feel more proud of myself when I get into routine with it.

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