Monday 22 December 2014

Bad turn

Yesterday I was pretty hungover and had had an argument with my partner so today I was determined to try to go out again with the kids (its the Christmas holidays) so off we set. It was really cold and very windy but I knew I would warm up through the exertion of walking so I didnt wear a coat just a jacket. I think my first mistake was deciding to run errands along the way so I had the location of the library in mind to post some books back. This meant walking boring common routes that Im all too used to that has very little scenic value. To try to extend it and help we cut through 'the duck pond' which is a vary small wooded section behind some houses where a big public pond is. I wasnt feeling the cold so much now but my 3yr old refused to walk at all so I was pushing her in the buggy the whole time. The next thing that ruined it for me was that my oldest kept nagging for the park which I find terribly boring as I cant do anything like walk around as the 3yr old wants only the swings or needs supervising on climbing things.
As soon as I gave in and stopped at the park I felt the cold twice as bad as when I first headed out. I felt peeved and disappointed and decided to go home. We had only been out a little over half an hour and walked in total about 1 mile.
Its hard to say if the weather was part to blame or the kids or perhaps both. But as the book says you are going to get bad days and I think I just have to chalk it up to a bad day. Also going on 'usual' walking routes means the kids know where the shops and parks are to nag about. Next I will try the more out of the way walk again!!

Saturday 20 December 2014

Hikes Sykes

More positive side effects of wanting to start the RFBR plan was that today in a bid for starting to increase my health and stamina ready for the 'proper thing' I really felt like getting out the house. Its a saturday, a day that drags slower than a dead turkey pinned to the back of a milk float.Th kids are always naggy and bored and it drives me nuts.. SO i announced we were going on a hike! Three very surprised kids (my two and my bf's daughter who stays fortnightly) were wondering where we going and why and what for. All of which recieved the answer of I dont know, we will just walk and explore and see what happens. Usually we just go to the local shop and back with the occassional 'treat' of the park, which is sooooo boring for me. So I felt pretty great as we set off.
The sky was that crisp blue. Bright enough to make you feel happy with that sharpness of cold that made you feel alive when you breathe it in. It was great. I took the buggy along as I expected the youngest aged 3 might struggle. I was surprised how unfit the other two were! Ten minutes into walking the moans of 'my legs are tired' started. But we went on and it was loads of fun. I even got us all running small distances. I was the worst for getting out of breath first followed by the 5yr old and the 8yr old done the best. The 3yr old mostly stayed in the buggy but its embarrassing to say even she can run faster than I!
We walked for an hour and ten mins which if I calculate according to the book is about 2 miles. I could have done more if the kids werent thirsty and tired. They flucuated between wanting to do more and saying they had energy only to be knackered the next. Even the 5yr old had a couple of rests inb the buggy.
All in all though I felt great that we had done it and I felt it bonded us much better than going to the park. There was a distant hill that they wanted to walk to and I have promised we will do that next time as we can bring drinks and be more prepared. Its very exciting and although I will enjoy being able to go further by myself when I start running properly I really enjoyed the kids company in exploring possible routes for myself.
The household def seemed more chilled out when we got back home and today we havent had the usual squabbles...yet. I feel pleased with myself and eager to do more and I felt the fresh air and endorphines have def made me happier and wanting to do more. I feel more energetic at home although right now (evening) I feel a numbness over my legs and my feet are a bit achy. But in a good way. I cant wait to chill out and go to bed tonight! Although because of my extra happiness and energy earlier I kinda made plans to P.a.R.t.Y tonight!

Friday 19 December 2014

PRE-run run up

Ok, so its the worst time of year to start thinking about dieting and exercise and weightloss. The week before Christmas!! But it was already on my new years agenda to order less takeaways and try to lose some weight. With my BMI coming in at 35.5 I am firmly in the Obese column. Even without knowing my official BMI the fact that I've popped the buttons off of TWO coats in the past couple of months has been warning enough.
But its not easy when your very slim partner constantly wants to eat takeaways and rarely likes homecooked meals.
But from a financial point of view as well as health, we both at last agree that less takeaways would be a good thing. So it is with some enthusiasm I happened across the book Run Fat Bitch Run and although it is earlier than I planned I think it is something that could interest me.
I told myself  I wouldnt read it yet as the motivation it will give me will be fresher than if I read it now whilst intending to start it some three weeks from now. But curiousity has had me reading it anyways.
I am eager to start but also full of trepidition as to if I can do it and stick to it. I dont ever stick to anything diet or exercise related.
The first thing that strikes me about the book is that the FIRST thing is states is that it WILL be boring, horrid and very very hard! Not the usual promoting speech of any regime I know of of! Usually its all "this is easy, this plan will make your weight fall off effortlessly" and we know its crap yet the positiveness makes you try. Then fail. At the first hurdle. All because its not what you were led to believe, easy and effortless. RFBR is giving it to me straight. From the start. I like the approach. Although that doesnt make me feel like Im not gonna give up on it. But I want to try. And knowing from the start that it is hard may stop the shock feeling and fail pattern? Maybe? I have  yet to see.
The excuses section about weather and time and wanting tv is all very apt. I have the perfect time when both myt kids are at school in the afternoon but Im used to this being my self time. I love the peace and watching my programs and eating my snacks. But this is exactly whats making  me a FAT BITCH. So I gotta make a choice. Im thinking to start with half hour to 45 mins rather than the 1 hr 45mins the book recommends. Just to get me started. Slowly slowly as it says. Just getting to a point of being able to run for that long will be a big achievement and then I can think of extending it.
But my biggest hurdle to overcome is my partner. It doesnt say in the book that having a disapproving partner is an excuse and I dont know yet what he will be like yet, but I fear he wont like it if I am 'out' for over an hour nearly each day. That he will try to put me off, or make arguments to make me stop. A bridge I will have to cross later and a reason to start gentle first with just half an hour.
Already I have got off my arse more today, gone to the shops walking twice, done more housework. Trying to kurb that part of me that just wants to slouch on the sofa and feel no energy.

I really hope to lose weight. My neck is so fat that I find it hard to breathe sometimes. Its one thing wanting to lose weight just to look better but when the fat is affecting your health and comfortability it is really bad and a sign that something needs to be done!