Monday 2 February 2015

unhappy day

I was dreading getting back into my route today and maybe thats why I gave up so easily but although cold it started off a bright sunny morning and I managed to feel ready and willing. But at the drop off point for my eldest to go to school I suddenly realised she didnt have her PE kit so that was problem no1 but I figured I would just have to make myself do it after my walk/run. Maybe just cut it a tiny bit shorter as going back to the school will cover the extra minutes walking. But before I even got to my starting point my youngest who had decided to get out and walk fell over and ripped a hole in her tights. Grrr! Feeling very frustrated and mad that I feel I never get to do something for myself as I gotta sort out the PE issue, sew up the tights, cut my route short and go to the shop for toilet roll. Just what is the point of me trying? Of course thats the defeatist attitude that always makes me give up on things So we will see about tomorrow but I dont think I can do mornings with the buggy and little one anymore and I dont know if I will be strong enough willpower to make myself go afternoons esp as I am feeling moody and teary and so angry at my partner at the mo for his constant broken promises and money issues!
I just want to go to bed and give up!

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